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Policy Statement

When recruiting volunteers, we will take into account the Principles of Equal Opportunities and Diversity. Our equality policy can be downloaded at

We require all applicants to the Volunteering Programme to complete an application form (usually by e mail) within which a referee is requested, whom we will contact, probably by e mail.  To start the process see our “Join us page

York City of Sanctuary will seek to be responsible for ensuring that all volunteers are able to perform their role effectively and efficiently. If there are difficulties encountered by a volunteer, this should be raised in the first case with the designated programme leader. If it is felt that a volunteer is not performing his/her role satisfactorily, or if there is a grievance issue with regard to a volunteer, the matter will be discussed with that person. Agreed measures will be put in place, and the situation will be reviewed again after a suitable period of time.  If there are still grounds for concern, York City of Sanctuary reserves the right to ask the volunteer to stand down from that role.


We welcome volunteers from all sections of the community, and recruit through:

  • Advertising and the website
  • Word of mouth
  • Via other agencies
  • Talks to community groups

York City of Sanctuary

  • Recognises the valuable role of volunteers within the Programme.
  • Tells volunteers how they fit in and what to expect from us.
  • Promises to provide fair, equal and consistent treatment of volunteers.


  • Volunteers are integral to our work and their contribution is valued.
  • Volunteers’ work should meet the needs of the organisation.
  • Volunteers should benefit from working with York City of Sanctuary; gaining new skills as they grow in understanding of issues surrounding refugees, asylum seeking, and the development of a culture of welcome and hospitality in the city.
  • The Co-ordinator or designated programme leader will maintain support for the volunteer.
  • As far as possible, existing skills and specific interests of volunteers should be used in the activities.

Statements to the Media

Only the Chair of the management group, the Co-ordinator, or a duly nominated person will give any statements to reporters from newspapers, radio, television, etc. in relation to our activities.

Volunteer Roles

It is essential for you to be approachable and fair to other volunteers and clients in your work with York City of Sanctuary.  In particular regard to clients you should be non-judgemental and a good listener. Volunteers are expected to maintain clear boundaries; avoid crossing the line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour; and encourage clients and other volunteers to observe the same line.


You may learn sensitive personal information relating to an individual’s background and circumstances.  It is important to preserve the dignity of that person by not divulging this to anyone outside the organization.  From time to time, the Co-ordinator may share confidential information with volunteers on a need-to-know basis. It is also important that you share any confidential information with the Co-ordinator or designated programme leader which concerns the need for medical intervention, health and safety, or a breach of law. You should explain your decision to the client before disclosure.

Child Protection

– our training includes detailed reference to our Child Protection practices and policy.

Negotiating a volunteer role

Volunteers should be given the opportunity to use their skills and interests within their role. They should also be able to negotiate with the Co-ordinator or designated programme leader the role that most meets their needs and the needs of the organisation.


Volunteering at York City of Sanctuary should be open to everyone who is interested, regardless of their personal financial circumstances. Re-imbursement for reasonable out of pocket expenses is available if requested. Please ask for an expenses form from the Co-ordinator because receipts will be required.


York City of Sanctuary is committed to supporting its volunteers as a mark of how much their work is valued.

  • The Co-ordinator or designated programme leader will offer supervision to the volunteers on a regular basis
  • Volunteers are able to contact the Co-ordinator or designated programme leader with concerns at any time.
  • If a volunteer has a serious complaint about the organisation, it should be first raised with the designated programme leader. He/she can report the matter to the Co-ordinator who will bring it to the attention of the management group.


York City of Sanctuary has extended public liability insurance which covers those carrying out activities on behalf of the organisation. If you are using a car on behalf of YCoS, the responsibility for insurance rests with the owner of the vehicle. If you are engaged in the hosting programme, the tenant/owner of the property is responsible for the house (including contents) insurance. If you wish to see a copy of the YCoS insurance policy details, please contact the Co-ordinator.

Data Protection

At no time will we provide your details to a third party without your permission.  You have the right to see any information about you that we hold in our computer database or paper index system.  You have the right to challenge us about any information relating to you that we hold in our retrieval system and have it changed.

You have the right to have your details removed from our retrieval system.

Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures

Any concerns in this or any other area should be addressed, in the first instance, to

The Co-ordinator,  York City of Sanctuary
email [email protected]
Landline:  01904 426891
Mobile: 07960 921086                     March 2023