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York is a City of Sanctuary

We join with people of other faiths and none in condemning the violence and intimidation, threats to human life, wanton acts of destruction, attacks on the Police and local shops and businesses, which have taken place across the country in recent days and nights.
The attacks have shown evidence of organisation, and leaders of Neo-nazi groups and other extreme right wing groups have been personally identified at riots in a number of locations in the UK.

The events reveal the ugly and unacceptable face of racism. They never at any point had anything to do with the tragic incident in Southport, in which young children lost their lives. Indeed, the racists turned up at Southport, to desecrate and defile a community in mourning and shock.
Once again, we are made aware of the racism which runs just beneath the surface of our society. These riots have attacked mosques and housing for refugees and asylum seekers. Those who have denied the existence of racism in the UK, should accept that they have been blind to the reality, and now open their eyes to the truth, which can no longer be denied.
‘All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is that good people do nothing.’

We place the York Inter Faith Group statement (below) on our website as a mark of solidarity with them during these tense and uncertain times.

Condemning Racist Attacks
“York Interfaith Group and its faith representatives condemn violent attacks on Mosques, their communities and places of sanctuary. There is no place for racist, far-right thuggery in York or anywhere else in the UK. York Interfaith Group continues to work in partnership with faith representatives and faith leaders, the City of York Council and North Yorkshire Police to ensure safety of faith groups and their communities in York.
5 August 2024″

Please stay vigilant and safe. If, you have any concerns then please do contact the police.

Praying for calm, peace and unity
Chair, YIG