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The book of refugees: a multilingual record of memories, dreams and aspirations of refugees in the UK
Calling all refugees (past and present) and all asylum seekers in the UK and abroad to take part in this very important project.
The Refugee Book Project:
Link to the project: https://www.york.ac.uk/language/research/projects/book-of-refugees/
This is a call to participate in The Book of Refugees project. Share you story and let the world knows about it.
Starting next December, the posts will be published on the project’s website. Contribute by posting to let the world know about your experience.
The experiences and aspirations of refugees living in the UK remain largely unknown to the communities that host them. Before and during their long journey to safety, refugees often experience traumas that may affect their physical and mental health long after the events. Being forced to flee, they have left so many precious things and dear ones behind. However, they come here with memories and stories.