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York City of Sanctuary continues to support our partners in the region, right up to the end of the year. Three of our supporters hired a van and took a load of white goods, kitchen equipment, bedding and clothes to the new BIASAN store in Bradford, which one of our management committee has committed to funding for a year. Over 20 YCOS supporters have made significant donations since summer, and we were able to deliver all of them directly or to the store.

They also helped with the women refugees Christmas party, catering for over 130 women and children and contributing gifts and toys to the gift bags. We also supported some individual families, providing presents for children and school shoes to stop a family with 3 boys being barred from school. One of our members, Clifton Parish Church, collected toiletries for Bradford refugees as part of their Nativity celebrations. Each male refugee got a gift of toothpaste, shampoo, soap or shower gel. Personal friendships made during the Bradford/York hosting weekend continue to thrive and some of the Bradford refugees are spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in York with host families.

A meeting has been set up early in the new year with a BIASAN member from Bradford with York Theatre Royal to explore how our theatre can support the cause of refugees through drama and writing.